Monday, October 25, 2010

My Woodcut Self Portrait


Waking life

This film had so many different styles with in it, it was amazing! I'm defiantly going to rent the movie and watch it on my own. It was really interesting how when a new artist/style was introduced, it gave a different mood the the story line and what was being shown at the time. It was very very interesting and i want to finish it.

Met trip

On Sunday, I had a trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City for my art history trip. It was   pretty cool. I went there last year, but we had very specific galleries we were required to look at and it took the entire trip. This semester we were given the chance to actually explore the museum. There was so much to take in because the museum was so large and the galleries were so varied. I forgot a notebook to write down the artist and works that I like soooo I guess that means I have to go back... :)

Surprise Surprise

On friday I thought I was going to a halloween dress up concert back home. Instead I was gong to my own surprise party. It was so amazing! Everyone there goes/went to art school, so there was some pretty creative costumes. Everyone for the most part made theirs. For mine, I was a greek goddess. I made my dress and head dress, which took forever! It was a lot of fun though and I felt like things i learned at tyler, specially in  3d, helped me make my custom.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

All about Ernst Kirchner

Kirchner did not start his career intending to be an artist. He went to the Königliche Technische Hochschule university in Dresden for architecture. There he had to take classes in free hand drawing and perspective drawing. He later met Fritz Bleyl, Karl Schmidt-Ruttloff, and Erich Heckel. Together they founded the artist group, Die Brücke, meaning "The Bridge". This group help create the style of Expressionism. The work of this group focused mostly around group-life drawings and painting of nudes from their social group. In 1911 he founded a private art school called MIUM-institut. Kirchner's work focused mostly on nudes, nature, nudes in nature, and everyday life. They were all very vibrant in color and not naturalistic. His figures were all out of proportion and expressionistic. Here are a few examples of his work:
                                              Erna, 1930, Pinakothek der Moderne, München
Nude Dancers, 1909. Woodcut, 13 3/4" x 22 1/2". Private Collection,Germany.
Ernst Kirchner, Alpine Shepherd, 1917

I find myself more drawn to his works done in woodcut so on photoshop I would like to if I can make my self-portrait look like that.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Collage of meeeee

Doesn't really look like me at all but i kinda like it like that, gives it a different identify. I also added sunflowers in the background to tie it in with my memoir image. In that aspect I feel like it ties it to myself more then the way it looks. Also I made myself naked because my paper collage looks like in in a forest and the way I came out in this image made me think of eve.

Monday, October 4, 2010


I feel like I did a pretty good job on this considering it was my first time doing it. Not looking foward to making my face though...

Patterns by me

this was pretty entertaining. :)