Monday, December 6, 2010

End of semester

The end of this semester has been a test to my character. I've been sick and in and out of the hospital since Thanksgiving. On top of that all of my work got pushed back because I was unable to move certain days. And I have a job, so it has been really tough for me. I can't wait until this semester is over, not just because of how stressful and rough these last two weeks and the whole semester had been, but because I am done foundations!

Monday, November 22, 2010


Book Binding Lecture

I loved the lecture this week. Its right up my alley cause I love book binding since I learned it last semester. I wish I remembered how to do the one from the lecture though. The way they explained it was very confusing.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Aquatic Life completed!

even though I did it wrong at first I'm happy with my end results and it wasn't really that bad to fix it like I thought it would be.

Aquatic life semi completed..oh wait i did it wrong

  dumby me didn't realize that I got this far and I formatted it wrong....

Start of my Aquatic landscape


I really really REALLY hate foundations this semester. Maybe its because I was trying to balance two jobs and 17 credits, i dont know, but I really hate it. I can honestly say I cant wait for my second semester of foundations to be over. I've just been so stressed out and sleep deprived it is finally starting to get to me. I had to quit my work study job just so I can get some kind of sleep at night or else I would have really burnt out. Another reason I really hate it is because I really really just want to start my electives :)

Jessica Hische Lecture

Katie Murken, my 2d teacher, let us go to Jessica's lecture when she was at temple for the first half of class. I wasn't originally going to go but I am really happy that I did. Her lecture was so inspirational probably because she was a Tyler student before she went out in the world and did her own thing. But she is so successful in her field and gave such good advise that I really felt inspired to be as good as I can be and to work really hard to get what I want. This lecture couldn't have come at a better time for me because I was really feeling burnt out and stressed from all the work and was really re-thinking my choice in career. Now not so much! I took a ton of notes and when I'm feeling bad about my work I go back and look at it and all her advice, it really does help to hear from another artist from your school who had alot of the dame classes and went through the same things.

ART NIGHTS! WOO!-The inspiration for my final project

Ok so my boyfriend and I and some of out friends started this little thing we like to call art nights. Its amazing! we all get together at someones apartment and just hangout and paint all night long. We paint on any surface you can imagine. Just to give you some clues as to what we consider good painting surfaces: your typical canvas surface, scrap wood from the wood shop, cardboard, card stock, pumpkins, paper, gift box lids, and GORGES! It's so exciting. I love when we have art nights. What also makes it really fun is that we use to have each person make their own individual paintings, but now we have collaborations. We each start off with our own painting surface. Sometimes we time it but mostly we work until everyone is done. Then we hand our paintings over to the next person clock wise and do the same thing. This keeps going until it gets back to its original owner. Its really really fun and you get some really interesting results. Who ever host the art night on specific nights keep all the work done that night and hang it on the wall. I like to hang my stuff from the ceiling so they spin because most of the work that was done at my house is double sided. I love art nights so much that I decided I am going to host art night every week at my place until the end of the semester so that I can collect the work and use it in my final project.

Monday, October 25, 2010

My Woodcut Self Portrait


Waking life

This film had so many different styles with in it, it was amazing! I'm defiantly going to rent the movie and watch it on my own. It was really interesting how when a new artist/style was introduced, it gave a different mood the the story line and what was being shown at the time. It was very very interesting and i want to finish it.

Met trip

On Sunday, I had a trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City for my art history trip. It was   pretty cool. I went there last year, but we had very specific galleries we were required to look at and it took the entire trip. This semester we were given the chance to actually explore the museum. There was so much to take in because the museum was so large and the galleries were so varied. I forgot a notebook to write down the artist and works that I like soooo I guess that means I have to go back... :)

Surprise Surprise

On friday I thought I was going to a halloween dress up concert back home. Instead I was gong to my own surprise party. It was so amazing! Everyone there goes/went to art school, so there was some pretty creative costumes. Everyone for the most part made theirs. For mine, I was a greek goddess. I made my dress and head dress, which took forever! It was a lot of fun though and I felt like things i learned at tyler, specially in  3d, helped me make my custom.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

All about Ernst Kirchner

Kirchner did not start his career intending to be an artist. He went to the Königliche Technische Hochschule university in Dresden for architecture. There he had to take classes in free hand drawing and perspective drawing. He later met Fritz Bleyl, Karl Schmidt-Ruttloff, and Erich Heckel. Together they founded the artist group, Die Brücke, meaning "The Bridge". This group help create the style of Expressionism. The work of this group focused mostly around group-life drawings and painting of nudes from their social group. In 1911 he founded a private art school called MIUM-institut. Kirchner's work focused mostly on nudes, nature, nudes in nature, and everyday life. They were all very vibrant in color and not naturalistic. His figures were all out of proportion and expressionistic. Here are a few examples of his work:
                                              Erna, 1930, Pinakothek der Moderne, München
Nude Dancers, 1909. Woodcut, 13 3/4" x 22 1/2". Private Collection,Germany.
Ernst Kirchner, Alpine Shepherd, 1917

I find myself more drawn to his works done in woodcut so on photoshop I would like to if I can make my self-portrait look like that.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Collage of meeeee

Doesn't really look like me at all but i kinda like it like that, gives it a different identify. I also added sunflowers in the background to tie it in with my memoir image. In that aspect I feel like it ties it to myself more then the way it looks. Also I made myself naked because my paper collage looks like in in a forest and the way I came out in this image made me think of eve.

Monday, October 4, 2010


I feel like I did a pretty good job on this considering it was my first time doing it. Not looking foward to making my face though...

Patterns by me

this was pretty entertaining. :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Rittenhouse Art Show

On Saturday I happened to stumble upon the art show that was at Rittenhouse. It was awesome!!! I had no idea that there was an art show going on this weekend but I'm so happy I found it. It inspired me even more to be an artist. While walking around and looking at all the different artist, styles, and techniques that were used I really got a sense of just how broad the art world is. You can do anything with art, use any materials ect., to look amazing. One artist I talked to graduated from tyler! this made me so happy because her work in my opinion was the most creative. She used fabric, beads, and jewels to make images. Not only were they creative but they were so beautiful. If I had the money I would have supported her and bought something. I really wish though that I didnt have to leave to go to work. I would have walked around more and looked more closely at everything. I also would have talked to more artist as I went around instead of just a few.

My Illustrator Family

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Cyberspace

ok so i'm not into photography that much, but I find my self always on this website to spoil my boy

I live in Philly HELLO, I should know about its art scene!

a little bit of everything, everywhere

I'm really into folk art

I Love this place

Lecture- Peter Hanley

,Ok so this isn't going to be a long post, see I didn't get to see or hear much about the lecture on Peter Hanely. I had a class to go to at 11. So I basically only saw fifteen minutes of his lecture. From what I saw he seemed very interesting, if not weird at times, but then again aren't we all weird at times? Yes, I believe we all are. So anyway, I looked him up and I really wish I got to hear more of what he had to say. I withdrew from the class that interrupted lectures so I'm excited to see the next one. I believe they said Candy Dephew (sp?) is coming. I better do my research first.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I never really thought of typefaces like this before. I never thought of them as a profession, a passion, and a planned constructed craft. They were always just words to me. But now I realize that typeface can affect emotions, attitudes, and the way we view things. Helvetica is something that has been in my life since I started learning how to read, but I never really paid attention to it. I never looked at a sing and thought "that's helvetica." I never even heard of helvetica before this was a requirement to watch. But I'm glad that I was finally introduced to it as a young artist still in training rather than later on in my career. This film made me realize how important text can be in art, especially graphic design. And it really made me realize that text, whether reading it in everyday life, or incorporating it into art can be taken granted of. I wont take text for granted anymore, not after watching this film, which was oddly good. When it first started I thought it was going to be dull and a drag to get through, but it really wasn't.


I'm in love with tall sunflowers.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Remix Manifesto

Usually I'm not a huge fan of documentaries, but this one I was really drawn to. The first thing that really caught my attention and drew me in was the list at the beginning; the list that stated 1) culture builds on the past 2) the past always trys to control the future 3) the future is becoming less free and 4) to build free societies you must limit the control of the past. It made me think and I started to realize that these statements were correct. I especially believed this after the Walt Disney example. I never realized that Disney recreated different elements from the culture into his characters that children and adults can understand, then became a  hypocrite when other people were trying to use his idea. They weren't stealing or copyrighting his idea. They were simply using it as a creative outlet for themselves. It's like saying I can not go to an art museum or a gallery and not be inspired by a work of art, and possibly use some of the elements in the work of art. I feel like thats impossible, not to be inspired by the elements around you. That is what I feel Girl Talk is doing with music. He is not taking an entire song that already exist and calling it his own. Instead he is taking several songs, breaking them into fragments, and mashing them together. He is creating an entirely new song and I believe that he has the rights to do this. It is his own works of art that were inspired by songs from the past. The only reason the government has a copyright law is due to money. Everything has to do with money in todays society. Pity.